If you recently were injured in a truck accident, you might be confused about what course of action to take. Many people in these situations are worried about attorney fees. Others are concerned about whether they can handle a lengthy legal battle. In this article, we will give you an insight into the initial stages of your case, explain what a truck accident lawyer knows that you don't, and, hopefully, resolve some of your concerns.  

What Do I Need for an Initial Consultation with a Truck Accident Attorney?

car accident

First of all, you need a direct and clear account of what happened. Be honest with the attorney and tell the story as it happened without omitting any details that may seem unfavorable to you. Honesty and clarity will help both of you understand whether you are the best match. 

How much is a lawyer after a truck accident? 

Attorney’s fees fluctuate depending on the case, but the good news is that, typically, you don’t have to pay money for your initial consultation. While some lawyers charge flat or hourly fees, most truck injury lawyers work on a contingency basis. This means that they won’t charge you unless they win the case. Once you receive your financial compensation, they will take a percentage out of it. 

List of Questions and Concerns to Discuss with the Attorney

  • How many years of experience do you have working with truck accidents? 

Having an experienced lawyer is important because this will show you that, in addition to legal education, they know how to communicate with various legal entities effectively and have hands-on experience in investigating accidents.  

  • Do you see a potential for a legal claim in my situation? 

After you tell your story, it’s important to establish whether there is a base for a legal case. 

  • Have you handled cases like mine before? Can you share any success stories? 

Hearing examples of their previous victories can help you gain trust in the attorney’s expertise. 

  • What strategy do you use to investigate and prepare cases like mine? Can you briefly speak about an approximate course of action in my situation? 

This part is very important. A good attorney will cite several potential pieces of evidence they can collect besides police reports. 

What to Do as an Initial Truck Accident Investigation Attorney 

A truck accident attorney must be prepared to conduct a thorough independent investigation, despite what police reports say and what the defense attorneys try to claim. 

Obtaining police reports and witness statements

Police reports are reliable evidence, but they are rarely enough for a court case. Police officers look at truck accidents from a criminal perspective and may not take note of the details that play a role in civil cases. This is why, a good attorney needs to do an independent investigation. Such investigation can include interviewing witnesses from the scene one by one to collect their personal and impartial accounts of the event; bringing additional witnesses, such as subject matter experts; and obtaining the trucking company’s records and data. 

Engaging accident reconstruction experts, if necessary

Engaging a reconstruction specialist can help the jury understand who was at fault by offering them a visualization of the accident. A reconstruction expert will conduct their own investigation to recreate the incident by examining the scene, checking the vehicles, and interviewing the witnesses. If you choose to pursue your truck accident case without a lawyer, hiring a reconstruction expert can be quite expensive. However, with a seasoned attorney by your side, you won’t have to worry about it.  

At the Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, we have three decades of experience investigating truck accidents and a long history of victorious cases. We work hard to protect our clients' interests no matter how hard their cases might be. If you need legal advice regarding a truck accident, don’t hesitate to call us at 215-673-7733 or send us a message online to receive a free consultation today!

Visit our website: https://gproslaw.com/truck-accident-lawyer/