If you live in a big city, you know how challenging it can be to move around, especially if you need to carry some cargo. Whether it’s groceries, packages, or supplies, you often have to deal with traffic, parking, and pollution. That’s why many businesses and individuals are looking for alternative ways to transport goods in urban areas.

One of the most promising solutions is the electric scooter. Electric scooters are fast, agile, and eco-friendly. They can zip through traffic, fit in tight spaces, and run on clean energy. However, not all electric scooters are created equal. Some are designed for leisure, some for commuting, and some for delivery. And among the latter, one stands out from the rest: the Scootility.

What is Scootility?

Scootility is a utilitarian electric scooter that is designed specifically for cargo-hauling. It is the brainchild of a Vancouver-based startup that aims to revolutionize the last-mile delivery market. Scootility is not just another electric bike. It is a unique vehicle that combines the best features of a segway, a scooter, and a cargo box.

Scootility has a lockable, weatherproof, and swappable cargo box that can hold up to 140 liters of load. The cargo box is located in front of the rider, so they can always keep an eye on their goods. The cargo box can also be detached and replaced with another one, making it easy to switch between different deliveries.

Scootility has a compact and narrow design that allows it to maneuver through traffic and park in small spaces. It has a full suspension and 16-inch front and 13-inch rear wheels that provide stability and comfort. It has LED lighting and a small turning radius for safety. It also has a foldable leg rest that doubles as a glove compartment and a foldable steering column and handles that make it easy to store.

Scootility is powered by a swappable lithium battery that offers a 100 km range in the standard variant. It can reach a top speed of 25 km/h, which is enough for urban delivery. Riding is also easy, as it does not require a license or registration. It is more economical and efficient than cargo e-bikes or vans, as it costs less to operate and maintain.

Why Scootility?

Scootility is not just a vehicle. It is a solution. It is a solution for the growing demand for last-mile delivery, which is expected to reach $44.88 billion by 2025. It is a solution for the environmental and social challenges of urban mobility, such as congestion, pollution, and noise. It is a solution for delivery workers, who can save time, money, and effort by using Scootility.

Scootility is also a versatile and adaptable vehicle. It can be used for various types of deliveries, such as food, groceries, medicine, or supplies. It can be used by different types of businesses, such as restaurants, retailers, pharmacies, or NGOs. It can be used in different types of scenarios, such as emergency situations, disaster relief, or humanitarian aid.

Scootility is not only a product. It is a vision. It is a vision of a future where urban delivery is faster, easier, and greener. It is a vision of a future where electric scooters are not just toys but tools. It is a vision of a future where Scootility is the ultimate utility scooter.


Scootility is a utilitarian electric scooter changing the game for urban delivery. It is a unique, practical, and eco-friendly vehicle that offers a new way to transport goods in urban areas. It is a vehicle designed for delivery but can also be used for other purposes. It is a vehicle ready to hit the market and make a difference.

If you are interested in Scootility, you can visit their website to learn more about their features, benefits, and pricing. You can also follow them on social media to stay updated on their progress and news. And if you are looking for a way to support their project, you can join their crowdfunding campaign and become one of their early backers.

Scootility is more than just an electric scooter. It is a scootility. And it is here to stay. @via Scootility.

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